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Get ready for a first date: First Date Dos and Don'ts
September 10, 2023
By Karen Shemesh

So, your crush just asked you on a date? Got set-up on a DateNight? You must have some butterflies going on.  The mix of the excitement along with some nerves is probably driving your mind into overdrive. You are wondering how to dress? What to wear? What should the two of you talk about?

Just take a deep breath, because we're here to guide you through this exciting journey. Before we dive into the do's and don'ts of a successful first date, remember this golden rule: Confidence is key. Self-assurance is undeniably attractive, so the first step is to appreciate yourself and just be you: don’t try to fake who you are. It might sound cheesy, but trust us, it's the best way to be appreciated by someone else.

There are many things to do and not to do when you’re about to DateNight someone new.  First, start with the things to do! 

What are the Don’ts? Where are the pitfalls?

First dates can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, but with the right mindset and a few simple guidelines, you can make them enjoyable and memorable experiences. 

Remember, confidence, authenticity, and genuine interest are your greatest allies. Now that you are a pro in the first date art (because yes, it’s an art), go out there and create a connection that could lead to something truly special.